Highlights - Board Meeting - December 5, 2023
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting.
2023 Summer Explorers and Secondary Summer School Program Reports
Abbotsford School District offers unique summer learning programs to cater to the needs of the students in Abbotsford. These programs serve around 1,400 students each year. The Summer Learning Leadership Team will share highlights, successes, and future considerations. Melanie Trudeau, Gurp Mahil and Shannon Thiesen presented the Summer Explorers Program report. Tom van Hunenstijn presented the Secondary Summer School report.
Learning Support Services Department Strategic Plan Report for 2022-23
Deputy Superintendent Nathan Ngieng provided an update to the Board on progress made in areas of the District’s Strategic Plan related to strategic goals for ‘Excellence in Teaching,’ with a particular focus on inclusive classrooms.
Curriculum Department Strategic Plan Report for 2022-23
Bruce Cunnings, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum, provided an update to the Board on progress in specific areas of the District’s Strategic Plan. The Curriculum Department focuses its strategy on the areas of Excellence in Teaching and the Ethical and Innovative use of Technology.
Indigenous Education: Bill 40 Update
Superintendent Nosek provided information about the new legislation that was recently passed which requires all BC school districts to have agreements in place around First Nations Schools of Choice (SoC) Policy, Model Local Education Agreement Policy, and Indigenous Education Council Policy.
2024-2028 Strategic Plan Engagement
Superintendent Nosek provided information about the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan cycle coming to a close in June 2024; the Board of Education will enter into public consultations to gather feedback to renew the Board’s strategic plan for 2024-2028. Students, staff, families and the broader community will have the opportunity to share their voice and participate in various engagement activities starting in the new year.
Budget Guiding Principles
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk presented the Board of Education with the budget guiding principles for review prior to beginning preparation of the 2024-25 Budget and Strategic Plan.
Change of Board Meeting Dates in 2024
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve the change in meeting dates in 2024 as follows:
- Public Budget Information Night: From March 7 to March 6
- In-Camera and Regular Board Meetings: From May 28 to May 14
AND FURTHER THAT the Board of Education’s Budget Calendar be revised to reflect the above changes.
W.J. Mouat Secondary: 50th Anniversary
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education grant W.J. Mouat Secondary Staff approval to proceed with obtaining a liquor license and external insurance in order to serve alcohol at the May 25th Anniversary Open House being held in the large gym at W.J. Mouat for an adult social celebrating its 50th anniversary and fundraise for a legacy project and scholarship.
Boundary Review Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided an update on the public consultation for the Cooper Meadows and Highstreet Development boundary review.
Board Policy 20: Disposal of Real Property
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve revised Board Policy 20 - Disposal of Lands and Improvements, as presented.
Committee Reports
2023-2024 Trustee Representation on Committees
Chair Neufeld shared information about changes to the trustee representation on committees.